WordPress Website Designers


Boost your business with a fast and modern website built on the world’s most popular content management system.

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WordPress Website Designers

We build around your needs

Based in the Newcastle region, we are WordPress website designers who create most things WordPress, from basic WordPress theme sites through to complex e-commerce stores. Every website we create is designed and developed from the ground up with your needs in mind.

Our web design process begins with meeting you, during which we take the time to understand your business, your target audience, and your website’s goals. This acts as the base for us to formulate recommendations in creating a custom-designed website that reflects your business, is functional, and is easy for your customers to use.

laptop, tablet and mobile phone showing Mojo Websites WordPress website designers page

Why WordPress

We love WordPress

From humble beginnings as a modest blogging platform in 2003, WordPress has become one of the most powerful, feature-rich content management systems available. Our WordPress website developers take full advantage of it’s powerful flexibility when building your site.

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Highly customisable

There are almost endless ways to customize a WordPress site, from customising its aesthetics to match your business branding to adding functionality through thousands of available plugins.

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Open source software

WordPress is open-source and free software – who doesn’t like something free? This means WordPress can be downloaded, installed, used and customised to match your business. However, you will still need to pay for hosting and other software that may be used for your site.

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User-friendly content management

WordPress is very user-friendly, making it an excellent choice for managing websites of all sizes. Through its flexible, open-source design and the broad range of free and premium plugins available, WordPress can be easily customised to create a unique online experience as unique as your business.

It's great for SEO

WordPress has been developed to give your website the best search engine results possible. When building your site, we develop with SEO in mind from the ground up and take advantage of WordPress’s features to optimise your content for search engines.


Strong security

WordPress takes security seriously – so do we. WordPress places an emphasis on security and has a dedicated security team that works to improve the software’s security and fix vulnerabilities before they become a problem. We also follow best practices for security when building your site to keep it as safe as possible from unwanted threats.

It is here to stay

Website platforms can rise and fall; even the largest may vanish ( try searching for Geocites ). However, open-source software tends to endure for a very long time as it is not the responsibility of a single entity. With the robust community of thousands of users, developers, and small businesses across supporting WordPress across multiple languages, it will not fade into the distance anytime soon.

WordPress & Woocommerce

Turn your WordPress site into a thriving online store with WooCommerce.

Whether you require a new e-commerce store built from scratch, update an existing WooCommerce store, or add an online store to an existing WordPress site, we can help you every step of the way. Our WordPress website designers can craft a fully functioning and visually stunning online store with WooCommerce that generate more sales for your business. We can optimise your online retail presence by integrating user-friendly features, including a customised shopping cart, checkout, payment gateway, and customer portal.

Laptop computer screen displaying a white WooCommerce logo on a purple background
Laptop screen showing Pagespeed Insights test results for Mojo Websites

WordPress Website Design Newcastle

Built and tested for performance

Modern WordPress web development can be complex. Before handover, our developers thoroughly test and review every aspect of your site to ensure it operates as it should.

Z  Website structure

Z  Compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1)

Z  Responsive across different devices

Z  Webpages load and perform optimally


WordPress Hosting & Support

Australian-owned hosting for your WordPress website

Every WordPress website needs good hosting. That’s why we offer WordPress hosting and support plans to keep your website up-to-date, secure, and running like clockwork. You can rest easy knowing that we’ll take complete care of your website and that we are just a phone call away if you need help so you can get back to running your business.

Ready to take the next step in building your online presence?

Get in touch with us for an obligation-free consultation to discuss how our WordPress web design, development and WooCommerce services can help enhance your online presence.