Web Design Services

Website Design, Development and Hosting

We are a Newcastle web developer dedicated to creating and hosting professional websites for small and medium-sized businesses.

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Welcome to Mojo Websites

A web development agency dedicated to important businesses: Yours.

We are a newly established web design agency in Newcastle, NSW. Our services focus on website design and website development, search engine optimisation, and hosting.

When you choose Mojo Websites, you get a completely transparent service that is responsive to your business and customer needs. We consider integrity in our services and towards our clients to be paramount.

Collage of a laptop, tablet and mobile phone with each showing the web design services page of Mojo Websites

Web Design Services

Our web design services are well suited to SMBs.

We specialise in professional web design services on leading platforms, such as WordPress, WordPress with WooCommerce, and Shopify. Our services focus on crafting outstanding websites that help businesses grow online.

The Mojo Difference

We go beyond just creating a website that looks flashy.


We take security seriously

When you choose Mojo Websites, you are choosing to trust us with your digital assets. You can rest assured that we will protect them as our own.

Hosting Services

Australian-owned hosting services that are fast and secure.

Ready for a new website or looking for reliable support?

Get in touch with us for an obligation-free consultation to discuss how we help enhance your online presence.